Health Timetables
Wave Active Health has been created to inspire and support those with health conditions to live more active lifestyles.
Classes delivered by specialised instructors
Classes are available at Wave Active leisure centres and sports centres in the Lewes District and Eastbourne.
Each of our classes are designed to aid people with health conditions, physical, mental and emotional, to gain, re-gain or maintain activity to enable an individual to achieve their goals and make health improvement. Adaptations, regressions, and progressions are provided to ensure we are catering for all abilities, no matter what class you choose to participate in.
Accessing activities can be done via a referral from a health practitioner or by contacting our Wave Active Health, Health Improvement Practitioners, prior to attending, to enable supportive access into activity.
Contact to find out more or speak to a member of the team.
Wave Active Health’s services have been created to provide support for those with health conditions; physical, mental and emotional, to be more active every day and support improvement to an individual’s health and well-being.
Accessing sessions can be done via a referral or contacting our Health Improvement Practitioner, prior to attending, to enable supportive access into activity. Contact to find out more or speak to a member of the team.