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Health Courses and Classes

Wave Active Health Classes and Courses are delivered by specialised instructors, who can support your health and well-being journey, through physical activity.

Classes and courses are available at Wave Active leisure centres and sports centres in the Lewes District and Eastbourne.

Each of our classes are designed to aid people with health conditions, physical, mental and emotional, to gain, re-gain or maintain activity to enable an individual to achieve their goals and make health improvement. Adaptations, regressions, and progressions are provided to ensure we are catering for all abilities, no matter what class you choose to participate in.

Accessing activities can be done via a referral from a health practitioner or by contacting our Wave Active Health, Health Improvement Practitioners, prior to attending, to enable supportive access into activity.

Contact to find out more or speak to a member of the team.

Our Courses

ESCAPE Pain Course


Run twice weekly for 6 weeks at Downs Leisure Centre, Seaford.

6-week course of two sessions per week aimed at helping in the management of joint pain from conditions such as osteoarthritis. The sessions include a circuit type class, where you work at your own level, using exercises designed at strengthening the knee, hip and back. Each session also includes an educational element, during which a different topic is discussed on subjects such as how to exercise safely, healthy diet and how to manage flare ups.

£6.15 per session.

For more information, please email

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Our Classes

Class Type:


Cardiac Rehab

This class has been designed by health professionals for those…

Cardiac Rehab

Cardiac Rehab

This class has been designed by health professionals for those who have had a cardiac incident and/or surgery to aid rehabilitation and improve heart health through exercise.

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Chair Based Exercise

A seated exercise class, focusing on exercises that help to…

Chair Based Exercise
Chair Based

Chair Based Exercise

A seated exercise class, focusing on exercises that help to improve strength, mobility and confidence, in a sociable environment.

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Chair Based Yoga

A gentle and seated Yoga class for beginners or those…

Chair Based Yoga
Chair Based

Chair Based Yoga

A gentle and seated Yoga class for beginners or those seeking to return to Yoga, but in a seated position.

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Guided Gym Sessions

These are supported sessions in the gym with our qualified…

Guided Gym Sessions

Guided Gym Sessions

These are supported sessions in the gym with our qualified exercise and specialist staff/ The aim of the sessions is to guide and support people with health conditions who would like to use the gym independently.

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Low Level Functional Fit

Aimed at people with health conditions, and delivered within our…

Low Level Functional Fit

Low Level Functional Fit

Aimed at people with health conditions, and delivered within our Gyms, this class will get you stronger and fitter for everyday life!

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Move & Mobilise

An instructed group session comprising of strength and balance exercises…

Move & Mobilise

Move & Mobilise

An instructed group session comprising of strength and balance exercises to aid with the prevention of falls.

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Move More and Move More in the Gym

An instructed and progressive, circuit based group session, designed specifically…

Move More and Move More in the Gym

Move More and Move More in the Gym

An instructed and progressive, circuit based group session, designed specifically to support participants with health conditions which may prevent them accessing more active classes.

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Move More Yoga

For those that are more familiar with yoga, this is…

Move More Yoga

Move More Yoga

For those that are more familiar with yoga, this is a progression on the beginner's class to provide advice, information and guidance in a supportive environment.

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Referral Pilates

For those unfamiliar with Pilates, this is a beginners class…

Referral Pilates

Referral Pilates

For those unfamiliar with Pilates, this is a beginners class to provide advice, information and guidance in a supportive environment.

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Yoga – Mindfulness and Meditation

By incorporating mindfulness, meditation, and physical movement, yoga provides a…

Yoga – Mindfulness and Meditation

Yoga – Mindfulness and Meditation

By incorporating mindfulness, meditation, and physical movement, yoga provides a holistic approach to improving mental health.

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Yoga – Pregnancy

Learn how to connect to and use your breath; to…

Yoga – Pregnancy

Yoga – Pregnancy

Learn how to connect to and use your breath; to facilitate calmness and work through contractions and anxiety – for you and for baby. This is done through a variety of breathing exercises and methods that both mother and baby can benefit from.

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Yoga – Referral

For those unfamiliar with Yoga, a beginners class to provide…

Yoga – Referral

Yoga – Referral

For those unfamiliar with Yoga, a beginners class to provide advice, information and guidance in a supportive environment.

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Yoga – Remedial

For rehabilitation and beginners, this class will focus on management…

Yoga – Remedial

Yoga – Remedial

For rehabilitation and beginners, this class will focus on management and maintenance of the body for older age and after injury.

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Get in touch!

For any further information on any of our Wave Health Courses, please feel free to contact our friendly team of health coaches and practitioners who are available to answer any of your queries.

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