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Meet Wave Active Health's Team

Wave Active Health provides support for those with health conditions; physical, mental and emotional, to be more active every day helping to make improvements to an individuals health and well-being.

Accessing Support with Wave Active Health

Developing opportunities to support those with diagnosed health conditions; physical, mental or emotional, to gain, regain or maintain an individual’s health and well-being, through specific health condition-based classes and with expert support and guidance from our own Health Improvement Practitioners and specialised instructors.

Accessing activities can be done via a referral from a health practitioner or by contacting our Wave Active Health, Health Improvement Practitioners, prior to attending, to enable supportive access into activity.

Contact to find out more or speak to a member of the team.

Become a member!

Whether you’re just starting or looking to level up, our supportive network and expert instructors will help you stay motivated and on track. Together we achieve more – become a member today!

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