We hope you never want to leave us… but if you do need a break from your membership, below are the details of our membership suspensions and cancellations.
Cancellation Requests:
- Flexible Month to Month Direct Debit: The member may terminate membership by making one further full direct debit payment after the date of written instruction to terminate. Cancellation of membership must be confirmed in writing, and the member must give at least one calendar month’s written notice. Please email your request to mypayments@waveactive.org The final direct debit payment entitles the member to use the Centre to the end of that calendar month.
- Max 12 Month Minimum Term Contract Direct Debit: You cannot cancel your membership for the first 12 months. Following on from this you can then cancel with the same terms as the Flexible direct debit. Please note your membership does not automatically stop after the 12-month period, it will continue until you cancel with the process as per the above month to month direct debit.
- Pre-paid Max Annual memberships: Prepaid Annual Memberships are 12 months long, the member pays for 11 months and gets 1 month for free. Pre-paid Annual Memberships cannot be cancelled prior to the end of the contract period of 12 months.
- Swim School Month to Month Direct Debit: The member may terminate membership by making one further full direct debit payment after the date of written instruction to terminate. Cancellation of membership must be confirmed in writing, and the member must give at least one calendar month’s written notice. Please email your request to waveswimschool@waveactive.org The final direct debit payment entitles the member to use the Centre to the end of that calendar month.
Suspensions Requests:
We understand that there are sometimes reasons why you might need to take a short break from your membership, and in these situations, we offer the chance to suspend your memberships. Please note memberships will automatically restart after the suspension period.
Flexible Direct Debit Membership: A suspension can be requested for a period of 1-4 months. A small administration fee per membership will be charged monthly, taken by direct debit, on your selected collection date.
MAX 12 Month Minimum Period Contract Direct Debit: During the Minimum Period you may suspend the contract only if you are suffering from a medical condition which means you are unable to use our centres (this does not include pregnancy but does include a medical condition that arises during pregnancy). You must give us suitable evidence. The suspension will take effect from the next direct debit payment following the date we receive your request and suitable evidence. Throughout the time your membership is suspended due to a medical condition there will be no monthly charge, the suspension period will be added on to your 12 month contract as you are required to make 12 monthly direct debit payments. Please email your request to mypayments@waveactive.org
Pre-paid MAX Annual memberships: During the term of your Annual membership you may suspend the contract only if you are suffering from a medical condition which means you are unable to use our centres (this does not include pregnancy but does include a medical condition that arises during pregnancy). You must give us suitable evidence. The suspension will take effect from the day that suitable evidence is received. The suspension period will be added on to the end of your 12 month contract. Please email your request to mypayments@waveactive.org
Wave Swim School Membership: You can only suspend for medical reasons, supported by documentation from a medical practitioner and reviewed by the Aquatics Coordinator. There is a small monthly charge taken by direct debit per month to reserve your space within the swimming lessons for the duration of the suspension.
Please email your request to mypayments@waveactive.org.
You will receive a response from a member of the team within five working days.