Wave Leisure Trust Limited
“Inspiring Active Lifestyles”
Environmental Management Policy
Policy Objective
The Board of Trustees and the Management Team of Wave Leisure Trust Ltd are committed to protecting the environment, fulfilling our legal environmental obligations, and continually improving our Environmental Management System.
We will do this by:
- Demonstrating our impact on the environment by setting up, and annually reviewing an Environmental Aspects Register.
- Identifying our legal environmental obligations and setting these out in a Legal Register.
- Producing and regularly updating an annual Environmental Action Plan.
- Conducting annual internal Environmental Audits.
- Retaining the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System through external accreditation.
- Ensuring Senior Managers review the Environmental Management System annually.
- Purchasing energy at the most cost-effective price by using an energy broker and using a flexible procurement process for purchasing gas.
- Ensuring “Environmental Champions” at each Site.
- Ensuring Environmental Management is incorporated into the staff induction process.
- Monitoring the pattern of energy and water usage on a monthly basis and sharing this with staff with a view to making reductions in usage wherever possible.
- Promoting our environmental initiatives to our customers.
- Providing recycling units for cardboard, paper and plastic bottles.
- Keeping abreast of new energy efficiency technologies and processes and utilising these wherever possible by bench marking with other organisations and visiting environmental fairs.
- Purchasing energy-efficient plant and equipment where practical.
- Work with Lewes District Council to maintain Plant and Equipment Lifecycle replacement programme.
- Where practicable, recruit specialist contractors to help improve the use of all environmental control panels.
- Display current Energy Certificates within public spaces to positively promote energy consumption awareness.
- Closely monitor waste production and appropriate recycling options utilised where possible to reduce landfill.
Board of Trustees Chairman Chief Executive Officer
David Hearn
Duncan Kerr
Date: 26/01/2018