The Gender Pay Report below relates to the year ending 2020 with the relevant pay period being 1st to 30th April 2020.
During this time, the number of Relevant Employees was 521 but the Number of Full Pay Relevant Employees fell to 23 with the remaining staff being on furlough leave under the Job Retention Scheme. Of the 23 Relevant Employees, 12 are male and 11 are female.
The Average Gender Pay Gap using an hourly pay rate indicates that males are paid 12.41% more them females, however the Median Gender Pay Gap shows that males were earning11.95% less than women per hour. This is due to the fact that of the included within the 12 Male Full Pay Relevant Employees, were our Apprentices who were not put onto furlough leave, and some Operational Staff, however of the 11 Female Full Pay Relevant Employees, the majority were part of the Corporate Management Team.
Lower Hourly Pay Quarter

Lower Middle Hourly Pay Quarter

Upper Middle Hourly Pay Quarter

Upper Hourly Pay Quarter